Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Update: posting of shows to other outlets

Hey all!

I have just finished uploading all our shows to YouTube!
As well, I have also uploaded all our shows to The Internet Archive!
I'm looking into creating a Roku channel for The Glowing Dial too. More info on this as I progress with this project.

All the best, Big John Matthews

PS - all the links for this are at http://www.glowingdial.com/shows.html

Sunday, August 28, 2016

An update on the posting of shows on YouTube and other stuff

Hello listeners!

As I have mentioned before, I have been working on uploading all our episodes to YouTube. So far, I have all the "POD" shows and all the "NET" shows up on YouTube. Will start uploading all the old Yesterday USA shows very soon.

We have also been approved on Google Play Music, which has just recently started accepting podcasts! Google Play Music works just like iTunes or any podcatcher program. When you subscribe, each new episode I post will automatically download to your device of choice.

The links for YouTube and Google Play Music are on our show list page at http://www.glowingdial.com/shows.html.

For some odd reason, when I click on the Google Play Music link, I have to click my back arrow once to actually get to our show page there. Your experience might not be the same. Let me know if you have problems. Right now, I don't know how to fix this. It'll still get you there, it's just a bit of a pain in the arse.

I also have been working on our show list page and correcting a lot of information that was either wrong or missing at the time. That link is http://www.glowingdial.com/archived_shows_list.html

This is just a list, there are no active download links there, the page is just for information on our shows.

That's all for now, stay tuned for the next episode of The Glowing Dial, POD43, which will be premiering September 4, 2016!

See you on the radio!
Big John Matthews

Monday, August 15, 2016

The Glowing Dial on YouTube and Google Play Music -- UPDATE

Hi listeners!

As I mentioned in a post a few days ago, The Glowing Dial is now available on YouTube and Google Play Music! Google Play Music has all our episodes, past and present and will automatically update when a new show is posted by me, just like iTunes and any of your podcatcher programs. I'll upload every new episode to YouTube at the same time it becomes available everywhere else. It will take some time to upload all the old Glowing Dial shows to YouTube because, as I mentioned in my last post on this, they all have to be uploaded 1 at a time. I'll get there but just give me some time please.

The links for YouTube and Google Play Music are on our web page. Just go to http://www.glowingdial.com and click on "Shows" on the menu at the left. Scroll down a bit and you'll see their respective logos. Click on either one to subscribe. If the links don't work right, please e-mail me and I'll try to fix them as soon as I can.

The Glowing Dial on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi71p0RPWWn-9dUGLL4A3wA

The Glowing Dial on Google Play Music: https://goo.gl/app/playmusic?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&isi=691797987&ius=googleplaymusic&link=https://play.google.com/music/m/Iaya4naswdr5ph7psq3ix7lfpla?t%3DThe_Glowing_Dial_with_Big_John_and_Steve   

Sorry for the long-arsed url's.

See you on the radio!
Big John Matthews

The Glowing Dial - Show No. POD42 Premieres --- a day late again.

1 day late again, very sorry ... again.

The Glowing Dial
Latest Episode: POD42
running from August 14 to September 3, 2016
running time: 2 hrs. 58 min. 46 sec.

Mystery In The Air - "The Horla"
originally aired Thursday, August 14, 1947 on NBC
Starring: Peter Lorre, Peggy Webber, Lurene Tuttle, Ken Christy, Ben Wright, Howard Culver, Jack Edwards Jr.
Henry (Harry) Morgan as the Voice Of Mystery
Michael Roy announcing.
Sponsor: Camel Cigarettes

The Molle Mystery Theater (AFRS Mystery Playhouse) - "Nightmare"
originally aired Tuesday, November 28, 1944 on NBC/AFRS
Starring: Peter Lorre (host for AFRS).
Sponsor: Molle Shaving Cream (sponsor spots cut by AFRS)

The Mysterious Traveler - "Fire In The Sky"
originally aired Tuesday, August 28, 1951 on MUTUAL
Starring: Maurice Tarplin, Bret Morrison, Joyce Gordon, Leon Janney.
Bill Tonkin announcing.

Mysteries Of The Mind - "E.S.P."
originally aired Sunday, December 11, 1938 on WOR/MUTUAL
Starring: Henry Morgan (host), Hugh Lind Casey. (Psychic Investigator), Lucien Warner (Columbia University),
Henry S.W. Hardwick (organizer of the New York Psychic Forum & editor of a psychic newsletter), Dr. Thomas L. Garrett (Psychiatrist, Hypnotist).
Produced by Roger Bower (Can You Top This?)

Click this link to LISTEN NOW! http://www.glowingdial.com/Podera…/theglowingdialnopod42.mp3

Click this link for show details and for information on how you can subscribe to our podcast! http://www.glowingdial.com/shows.html 

Henry "Harry" Morgan

Peter Lorre

Maurice Tarplin

Bret Morrison

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Working on new places for show to be heard

I am working on expanding the number of places The Glowing Dial can be heard. I am currently uploading every episode to YouTube and that is going to take a while as I have to create an image for each episode that will show while the episode is playing there. I've started with the current episode, POD41 and am working backward. The url for my channel at YouTube should be https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi71p0RPWWn-9dUGLL4A3wA

I have also submitted The Glowing Dial to Google Play Music, which is now accepting podcasts. They are currently reviewing it and I hope to be able to announce that they have accepted it very soon. I'll post a link when and if we are accepted there.

Hey, Steve and I would love to hear from you all so please, drop us an e-mail and let us know how were doing.

Big John glowingdial@wowway.com

Steve surbie59@gmail.com

Thanks for listening and reading!
Big John Matthews