Saturday, October 23, 2021

Tonight on The Glowing Dial Live with Big John and Company, there's "Something In The Night"! Start time is 3pm PST/6pm EST on Yesterday USA Radio!

Tonight on The Glowing Dial Live with Big John and Company, there's "Something In The Night"! Yes, all our shows tonight have the word "Night" in their show or episode title! We'll be in the Yesterday USA Chat Room so please join us there during the show! Go to and click on Chat Room, enter your desired username and NO password and you'll be in! We're also usually in our Glowing Dial Live Discord server's chat room. You can join us at Discord by using the following invite code: Listen to the show at YUSA's RED or BLUE Networks. Our phone lines will be open at 248-565-8284! If you want to say hi or make a request for an old time radio show. Requests are usually played on Thursdays after Big John's Old Time Jukebox. The show tonight starts at 3pm PST/6pm EST. That's it for tonight! See you on the radio! Big John Matthews.

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