Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Glowing Dial - Episode No. POD53 Premieres -- on time!

The Glowing Dial with Big John and Steve
Latest Episode: POD53
Running From: April 2 to April 22, 2017
Run Time: 2 hrs. 46 min, 37 sec.

Big John and Steve celebrate Jefferson's Birthday and Easter and dread Income Tax Day!

Mr. President - "Thomas Jefferson"
originally aired on Sunday, August 22, 1948 on ABC
Starring: Edward Arnold, Betty Lou Gerson.
Owen James announcing.

The Amos 'n' Andy Show - "Easter Hat Designed By The Kingfish"
originally aired on Friday, March 30, 1945 on NBC
Starring: Freeman Gosden, Charles Correll, Ernestine Wade, Amanda Randolph, Harriet Widmar, Elinor Harroit, Terry Howard, Madeline Lee, Lou Lubin, Eddie Green, Johnny Lee.
Harlow Wilcox announcing.
Sponsor: Rinso

The Weird Circle - "The Hand"
originally aired on Sunday, December 19, 1943 in Ziv Syndication
Starring: Maurice Tarplin, Alan Devitt.
Phil Clarke announcing.
Sponsor: varied due to syndication

The New Lum 'n' Abner Show - "Baby Cedric, The Mind Reader"
originally aired on Sunday, October 10, 1948 on CBS
Starring: Chester Lauck, Norris Goff, Clarence Hartzell, Felix Mills and His Orchestra.
Wendell Niles announcing.
Sponsor: Frigidaire

Click this link to LISTEN NOW!…/theglowingdialnopod53.mp3

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Remember: our show is now available on Google Play Music, YouTube and The Internet Archive! Go to our "Shows" page at the above url for details.

Edward Arnold

Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll

Maurice Tarplin

Chester Lauck and Norris Goff

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