Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Glowing Dial with Big John and Steve - Show No. POD51 Premieres -- a little late

The Glowing Dial with Big John and Steve
Latest Episode: POD51
Running from February 19 to March 11, 2017
Run Time: 2 hrs./ 46 min. 11 sec.

Big John and Steve celebrate President's Day and reach into their OTR Grab Bag!

Mr. President - "Andrew Jackson"
originally aired on Sunday, May 15, 1949 on ABC
Starring: Edward Arnold.
Owen James announcing.

Big Town - "Death Rides The Highway"
originally aired on Tuesday, March 26, 1940 on CBS
Starring: Edward G. Robinson, Ona Munson, Ted Osborne, Paula Winslowe, Howard Duff.
John Conte announcing.
Sponsor: Rinso

Chandu, The Magician - "The House Of Fear"
originally aired on Thursday, March 31, 1949 on ABC
Starring: Tom Collins, Irene Tedrow, Jack Kruschen, Joy Terry, Lee Millar, Rolfe Sedan.
Howard Culver announcing.
Sponsor: White King Soap

The Old Gold Comedy Theatre (The Harold Lloyd Comedy Theatre) - "Room Service"
originally aired on Sunday, December 31, 1944 on NBC/AFRS
Starring: Jack Oakie, Stu Erwin, Donald McBride, Cara Williams, Harold Lloyd hosts.
Bob Williams announcing.
Sponsor: Old Gold Cigarettes

Click this link to LISTEN NOW!…/theglowingdialnopod51.mp3

Click this link for show details and for information on how you can subscribe to our podcast!

Remember: our show is now available on Google Play Music, YouTube and The Internet Archive! Go to our "Shows" page at the above url for details.
Edward Arnold
Edward G. Robinson
Tom Collins
Jack Oakie

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