Monday, January 9, 2017

The Glowing Dial - Show No. POD49 Premieres -- a day late, sorry!

The Glowing Dial with Big John and Steve
Latest Episode: Pod 49
running from January 8 to January 28, 2017
run time: 2 hrs. 46 min. 43 sec.

Big John and Steve present another tribute to "Quiet, Please" and celebrate Martin Luther King Day!

Quiet, Please - "The Pathetic Fallacy"
originally aired on Monday, February 2, 1948 on MUTUAL
Starring: Ernest Chappell, Charita Bauer, Michael Fitzmaurice, Vicki Vola, Wyllis Cooper.

Quiet, Please - "A Red And White Guidon"
originally aired on Monday, February 9, 1948 on MUTUAL
Starring: Ernest Chappell, Pat O'Malley, Arthur Cole, Floyd Buckley, Wyllis Cooper.

Quiet, Please - "Clarissa"
originally aired on Monday, April 19, 1948 on MUTUAL
Starring: Ernest Chappell, Bruno Vick, Peggy Stanley, Wyllis Cooper.

Quiet, Please - "Let The Lilies Consider"
originally aired on Monday, June 28, 1948 on MUTUAL
Starring: Ernest Chappell, Cathleen Cordell, Peggy Stanley, James Boles, Wyllis Cooper.

Click this link to LISTEN NOW!…/theglowingdialnopod49.mp3

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Remember: our show is now available on Google Play Music, YouTube and The Internet Archive! Go to our "Shows" page at the above url for details.

Wyllis Cooper

Ernest Chappell

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