Tuesday, December 10, 2013

All episodes now posted!

Good news! I now have all episodes of The Glowing Dial posted! We decided to go with the Poderator.com method of posting our shows as podcasts. We deleted our podOmatic.com account because, as I said previously, we could not afford a paid account that would handle all our shows.

The shows can be found by going to glowingdial.com and clicking on Shows. Here you will also find the addendums we did for some of the shows. Addendums being audio files that were related to that particular show but not edited as part of the show proper.

We are still not without our problems however. One problem is that our Archived Shows xml feed does not seem to load properly in Internet Explorer but looks fine in Firefox. I have no clue as to why this is. One other problem that perplexes me concerns the embedding of audio files on our webpage. I refer to the aforementioned Addendums. I wanted to post these on our Shows page at glowingdial.com but every code variation I tried did not show up on Firefox at all; started playing the audio file automatically on Chrome (despite the code telling it NOT to autoplay); played all the files at once on IE!

I wanted to embed those files so that, again, the page would have a more modern look to it. I ended up simply putting hyperlinks to the Addendum files, old fashioned but seems to work.

Please let me know how these links and the xml feed work for you and whatever browser you are using. 


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