Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Glowing Dial - Show No. POD29 Premieres!

The Glowing Dial
Latest Episode # POD29
running from November 15 to December 5, 2015
running time: 2 hrs. 31min. 49 sec.

Big John and Stu celebrate Thanksgiving, Veteran's Day and Greg's Birthday!

The Great Gildersleeve - "Serviceman For Thanksgiving"
originally aired Sunday, November 16, 1941 on NBC
Starring: Harold Peary, Walter Tetley, Lurene Tuttle, Earle Ross, Lillian Randolph, Alan Reed, Herb Vigran.
Jim Bannon announcing.
Sponsor: Kraft Foods

The Jack Benny Program - "Jack Discovers He Has Purchased An Ostrich For Thanksgiving Dinner"
originally aired Sunday, November 19, 1939 on NBC
Starring: Jack Benny, Mary Livingston, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, Dennis Day, Phil Harris, Verna Felton.
Don Wilson announcing.
Sponsor: Jell-O

The Hall Of Fantasy - "The Masks Of Ashor"
originally aired Monday, November 23, 1953 on MUTUAL and in Syndication
Starring: Richard Thorne.

The Shadow - "The Comic Strip Killer"
originally aired Sunday, November 23, 1947 on MUTUAL
Starring: Brett Morrison, Grace Matthews.
Andre Baruch announcing.
Sponsor: Blue Coal

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Harold Peary as "The Great Gildersleeve"

Jack Benny

(l to r) Jack Benny, Mary Livingstone, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson

Bret Morrison as "The Shadow"

Bert Morrison as "The Shadow, Grace Matthews as "Margot Lane"